Earth Forces Fleet blocked Minerva’s ship from leaving Earth.


It’s an all out war.

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Kira sensed that there was a war going on. He wondered why.


Atlantic Federation and Orb VS. Minerva and ZAFT. The earth forces showed off their new armor mobile. It’s strong enough to deflect Minerva’s attack. Cagalli had  no idea what’s going.

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The new armor suit caught Shin’s mobile’s leg and pulled it off. As Shin’s mobile fell, Shin remembered his deceased family. He was energized once again. He didn’t want to die like that.

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After recharging his suit, Shin went straight to the enemy. He deflected the attack and destroyed the armor suit. Yeah! Way to go, Shin!


Then, they launched a set of the suit’s lower body to replace Shin’s broken leg. Nice! They really have a back up. Shin got his courage back and destroyed the other enemy vessels.

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Also, Athrun was officially a part of ZAFT. His mobile suit? Savior. =>

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Ah, no! Athrun and Cagalli were enemies? XP